What schedule is best when you are a beginner?

Always consult your doctor if you have any concerns

Set a Goal

"Goals give you something to focus on and make your wants more tangible. As a beginner, set a 1-month goal to complete 10-12 classes. This is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. And it will help you build momentum."

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Schedule it

" Put the times you are going to practice yoga on your calendar. It provides a visual reminder and serves as a commitment you have made to yourself.. Making a yoga date with others makes it more social and supportive. But don’t worry if you can’t think of anyone who might want to go, you can join a yoga studio. One of the reasons why yoga studios are popular is that they are communities. You’ll find the same people practice at the same time on the same day. And as you discover your routine you’ll meet others who will become friends"

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Bring the Fun

"Find a class that you enjoy and consider fun. You’re putting the power of psychology to work for you; if it’s fun, you’ll want to keep doing it.One more plug for psychology—give yourself an incentive. Set up a reward system for when you finish a week of classes or your first month. Having something to look forward to is motivating. "

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